/manager/Index en-au 5 Maximality of sums of two maximal monotone operators /manager/Repository/uon:10022 Wed 11 Apr 2018 17:09:47 AEST ]]> On supportless convex sets /manager/Repository/uon:13005 Wed 11 Apr 2018 17:03:15 AEST ]]> 'Divergent' Ramanujan-type supercongruences /manager/Repository/uon:11893 2 provide us with new nice examples of supercongruences of the same kind as those related to the convergent cases. In this paper we manage to prove three of the supercongruences by means of the Wilf-Zeilberger algorithmic technique.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:09:35 AEST ]]> Uniformly convex functions on Banach Spaces /manager/Repository/uon:7553 Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:33:04 AEST ]]> Mosco convergence and the Kadec property /manager/Repository/uon:13027 Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:10:01 AEST ]]> Some modular identities of Ramanujan useful in approximating π /manager/Repository/uon:13037 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:54:35 AEST ]]> Differentiability of cone-monotone functions on separable Banach space /manager/Repository/uon:6464 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:48:32 AEST ]]> Banach spaces that admit support sets /manager/Repository/uon:13003 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:25:24 AEST ]]> Separable determination of integrability and minimality of the Clarke subdifferential mapping /manager/Repository/uon:12996 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:03:41 AEST ]]> On the Bartle-Graves theorem /manager/Repository/uon:12983 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:43:16 AEST ]]> Lipschitz functions with maximal Clarke subdifferentials are generic /manager/Repository/uon:12997 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:40:53 AEST ]]> A characterization of quasiconvex vector-valued functions /manager/Repository/uon:12984 n.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:33:40 AEST ]]> Mosco convergence and reflexivity /manager/Repository/uon:13028 M are useful notions only in the reflexive setting. Specifically, we prove that each of the following conditions is necessary and sufficient for a Banach space X to be reflexive: (1) whenever A , A₁, A₂, A₃, ... are nonempty closed convex subsets of X with A = τM — lim An , then A° = τM — lim A°/n ; (2) τM is a Hausdorff topology on the nonempty closed convex subsets of X ; (3) the arg min multifunction ∫ ⇉ {x ∈ X : ∫(x) = infx ∫} on the proper lower semicontinuous convex functions on X , equipped with τM , has closed graph.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:35:09 AEST ]]> On the continuity of biconjugate convex functions /manager/Repository/uon:12985 **, thus also answering a question raised by S. Simons. Related characterizations and examples are given.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:30:30 AEST ]]> On the Hahn-Banach extension property /manager/Repository/uon:13035 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:09:01 AEST ]]> Maximality of sums of two maximal monotone operators in general Banach space /manager/Repository/uon:6449 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:55:20 AEST ]]> Completeness and the contraction principle /manager/Repository/uon:13036 Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:45:36 AEST ]]> An extension of a non-commutative Choquet-Deny Theorem /manager/Repository/uon:11616 N : ℓ¹(G) → ℓ¹(G/N). It is shown that the kernel of this map may be decomposed as ker(TN) = R + L, where R is a closed right ideal with a bounded left approximate identity and L is a closed left ideal with a bounded right approximate identity. It follows from this fact that, if I is a closed two-sided ideal in ℓ¹(G), then TN(I) is closed in ℓ¹(G/N). This answers a question of Reiter.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:31:58 AEST ]]> Automatic continuity and openness of convex relations /manager/Repository/uon:13083 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:33:13 AEST ]]> Distinct differentiable functions may share the same Clarke subdifferential at all points /manager/Repository/uon:13021 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:23:03 AEST ]]> On an intriguing integral and some series related to ζ (4) /manager/Repository/uon:13011 Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:15:09 AEST ]]> Transcendence tests for Mahler functions /manager/Repository/uon:34337 F of a Mahler function F(z) and develop a quick test for the transcendence of F(z) over ℂ(z), which is determined by the value of the eigenvalue λF. While our first test is quick and applicable for a large class of functions, our second test, while a bit slower than our first, is universal; it depends on the rank of a certain Hankel matrix determined by the initial coefficients of F(z). We note that these are the first transcendence tests for Mahler functions of arbitrary degree. Several examples and applications are given.]]> Wed 04 Sep 2019 10:06:10 AEST ]]> Proper actions which are not saturated /manager/Repository/uon:8181 Sat 24 Mar 2018 10:45:30 AEDT ]]> The scale function and lattices /manager/Repository/uon:31221 H in a totally disconnected, locally compact group G, the contraction subgroups in G and the values of the scale function on G are determined by their restrictions to H. Group theoretic properties intrinsic to the lattice, such as being periodic or infinitely divisible, are then seen to imply corresponding properties of G.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:21 AEDT ]]> Hardy's theorem and rotations /manager/Repository/uon:9987 0, to the case of complex Gaussians in which α is a complex number with positive real part. Such functions represent rotations in the complex plane of real Gaussians. A condition on the rate of decay of analytic extensions of a function ƒ and its Fourier transform ƒ̂ along some pair of lines in the complex plane is shown to imply that ƒ is a complex Gaussian.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:14:25 AEDT ]]> Properties preserved under Morita equivalence of C*-algebras /manager/Repository/uon:9935 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:14:20 AEDT ]]> On three theorems of Folsom, Ono and Rhoades /manager/Repository/uon:27594 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:17 AEDT ]]> Evolution of closed curves by length-constrained curve diffusion /manager/Repository/uon:35680 Mon 22 Aug 2022 09:48:35 AEST ]]> Curvature contraction flows in the sphere /manager/Repository/uon:40315 n+1. Using a different pinching function we also obtain the analogous results for contraction by Gauss curvature.]]> Mon 11 Jul 2022 09:13:58 AEST ]]> Addendum to “Amenability and weak amenability of second conjugate Banach algebras” /manager/Repository/uon:41074 Fri 22 Jul 2022 16:57:19 AEST ]]>